
Download Epson XP-620 driver for Windows and Mac


EPSON XP-620 driver Download and install for Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP, and macOS, free driver Epson XP 620 and Software Installation . Select from the list of drivers required to download. You can also select your system to only display drivers that are compatible with your system.

Download Epson XP-620 driver for Windows and Mac :

  • Epson XP-620 driver for Windows XP (32bit/64bit) Download (170.58 MB)
  • Epson XP 620 driver for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32bit/64bit) → Download (11.8 MB)
  • Epson XP-620 driver for Server 2003, 2008 (32bit) –  Download (8.41 MB)
  • Epson XP 620 driver for Server 2003, 2008, 2012 (64bit) –  Download (9.08 MB)
  • Epson XP-620 driver for Mac OS 10.15, 11 Big Sur –  Download (7.7 MB)
  • Epson XP-620 driver for Mac OS 10.7 to 10.14 Download (11.9 MB)
  • Epson XP-620 driver for Mac OS 10.5, 10.6 Printer Driver (108.2 MB) / Scanner Driver (15.0 MB)
  • Epson XP 620 driver for Linux, Ubuntu – Not Available

Download the driver directly from the Epson XP-620 official website.

Driver Epson XP-620

Driver Epson XP-620
Epson XP-620 driver
The presence of a printer that has all these functions is essential for the pumping work to make the job easier, especially Epson XP-620 has all the criteria you need for it, so it deserves your consideration as very good. or hundreds of documents. When this job comes up, the presence of a printer with all of these features for the pumping jobs is urgently needed to make the job easier, especially for colleagues.

Other Epson Printer Driver : Epson XP-345 Driver download free for Windows and Mac

Epson XP-620 driver specifications:

  •  automatic two-sided printing
  • Versatile borderless photo up to 8 “x 10”, plus dedicated photos and CD / DVD trays too
  • Ultimate wireless – iPad, iPhone, tablet, smartphone and also Wi-Fi direct printing
  • Replacement ink cartridges – 273 standard capacity black, cyan, magenta, yellow, image black

To download and install the printer:

1. Click the link. The download will start automatically.

2. The file is saved on your computer desktop.

3. Double-click the file to mount the disk image.

4. Double-click the mounted disk image.

5. Double-click the installation file in the folder. The installation will start automatically.

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