
Download Epson XP-245 driver and Software


Download and install Epson Expression Home XP-245 Driver and Software for Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP (32/64 bit) , and macOS. Select from the list of drivers required to download. You can also select your system to only display drivers that are compatible with your system

Epson XP-245 Driver Download for Windows and Mac :

Epson XP 245 Printer Driver

Mac SupportsMacintosh OS X – Intel, Macintosh OS X – PowerPC
Windows SupportsWindows Vista 32 Bit, Windows Vista 64 Bit, Windows XP 32-Bit, Windows XP 64-Bit, Windows 7 32-Bit, Windows 7 64-Bit, Windows 8 32-Bit, Windows 8 64-Bit, Windows 8.1 32-Bit, Windows 8.1 64-Bit, Windows 10 32-Bit, Windows 10 64-Bit.
LanguageEnglish (US), French (Canada), Spanish (Mexico), Portuguese Etc.
WindowsExpression Home XP-245 Driver for Windows 64-bit Download (37.77 MB)
WindowsExpression Home XP 245 Driver for Windows 32-bit Download (35.57 MB)
MacEpson XP-245 driver for Mac Download (68.1 MB)

Epson XP-245 Scanner Driver

Mac SupportMacintosh OS X – Intel, Macintosh OS X – PowerPC
Windows SupportWindows Vista 32 Bit, Windows Vista 64 Bit, Windows XP 32-Bit, Windows XP 64-Bit, Windows 7 32-Bit, Windows 7 64-Bit, Windows 8 32-Bit, Windows 8 64-Bit, Windows 8.1 32-Bit, Windows 8.1 63-Bit, Windows 10 32-Bit, Windows 10 64-Bit.
LanguageEnglish (US), French (Canada), Spanish (Mexico), Portuguese   Etc.
WindowsEpson XP-245 Scanner Driver for Windows Download (30.93 MB)
MacEpson XP 245 Scanner Driver for Mac Download (24.5 MB)

Driver Epson XP-245

Epson XP-245 printer, Experience freedom of space with the Expression color inkjet printer,

Its compact design and wireless capabilities allow you to print from anywhere in the world, making it the perfect choice for any room and lifestyle.

Epson XP-245 produces prints of the highest quality while offering great value for money. As part of the small-in-one variant, this offers a printer, scanner and copier, all nicely packaged in a trendy and small system. This uses simple inks, so you are sure to be protected as the color used requires a change.

Epson XP-245 is suitable as an individual printer in your home, although a small printer with scanners and photocopies is currently being developed.

Epson XP-245 driver specifications:

• Ultra-compact all-in-one: Save time, space and money

• Mobile printing: Print and scan from virtually anywhere1

• Claria Home Ink: Save money with separate ink cartridges: only replace the used ink

• Wi-Fi®: Wireless printing and scanning made easy

• Compact design: Compact and lightweight design

• Print resolution: 1200 dpi

• Epson iPrint

• Wi-Fi Direct

How to download Epson XP-245 driver and install ?

1. Click the link. The download will start automatically.

2. The file is saved on your computer desktop.

3. Double-click the file to mount the disk image.

4. Double-click the mounted disk image.

5. Double-click the installation file in the folder. The installation will start automatically.

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